The SDR hardware has been taken on a few digitally-enhanced 'DXpeditions'. The first was to our favourite hill in Sydney Park, and the second being the excellent cliff-side WWII bunker at North Head (click either link to see the day's/night's photos).
Here is the USRP in action (in my custom housing) connected to a transverter, which is in turn connected to a long-wire antenna for HF reception:
The laptop is running Winrad to demodulate the baseband signal. This is then fed into Digital Master 780 to dcode the digital HF mode found on the scope (e.g. PSK-31, CW, etc).
Here are some HAMs speaking on the 20m band:
Unfortunately those constant lines are artifacts from the +60MHz transverter used to shift the HAM bands up into the frequency range that the WBX daughterboard can hear.
Here is some output from Digital Master (part of Ham Radio Deluxe) that I had listening to the Stereo Mix of the sound card on the same laptop as WRplus was running. It includes decodes of PSK-31, CW and RTTY: